Brain In Use Consulting

Coaching for all aspects of life!


Thank you for stopping by Brain In Use Consulting!

The best way to learn more about life coaching and the services we offer is to contact

us for a free consultation session, but please visit our “Services” and “Meet Your

Coach” pages for a high-level overview of personal development, communication,

organization, and business services we specialize in.

The Process


Schedule a consultation meeting or session to discuss how we can work together to support you reaching your goals.


Together we’ll identify where you are now, where you want to be, and an action plan for how to get there.


We’ll create an action plan with reasonable and attainable mileposts.



Accountability & Clarity

Together with honesty, vulnerability, grace and reflection, we’ll identify what is and isn’t working, why, and make necessary adjustments.

What We Do.

We offer professional, customized services to help you optimize your life, meeting you where you are personally, professionally, or a combination of both. It’s your puzzle and you hold the pieces; we’re here to support you putting your puzzle together!

Book an appointment.

We will meet you where you are. Whether you want a thought partner to flush an idea with, help putting a plan in motion, develop a plan, or accountability to keep you on task, we’ll help you meet your objectives and identify tools and resources.

Our services are generally $200 per hour; we also offer flat weekly and monthly rates, along with bundle packages, and occasionally pro-bono and/or discounted services. Once we agree to work together, our cadence (frequency) and length of appointment, you will be provided a PayPal link to pay for services in advance.